Honor The Game

Each letter in ROOTS stands for an important part of soccer that we must respect. The R stands for Rules. The first O is for Opponents. The next O is for Officials. T is for Teammates, and the S is for Self.

R is for Rules - The rules of soccer are what allow us to keep the game fair. Respect for the rules is important, even when it’s possible to break them without getting caught.  Breaking the rules dishonors the game, even if it means that we win.

O is for Opponents -  Without opponents, we could have no game. A good opponent makes us do our best. Sometimes your opponents are friends of yours.  Respect your opponents, and remember they are out there to have fun just like you.  

O is for Officials -  It is very important to respect officials. Often, this can be the most difficult part of Honoring the Game, so we need to remember to keep it as a focus when we play. Officials have been selected and trained to enforce rules, and they have a very hard job. Without the officials the game would be unsafe and unfair. Officials are not perfect (just like coaches, athletes and parents!) and sometimes make mistakes. However,there is no excuse for treating officials with disrespect when they make errors.  Show respect for officials, even when you disagree with the call. 

T is for Teammates - A big part of soccer is the team. Being with your teammates should be fun. Later in life you will often be part of a team, and it is important to learn to work together. I hope you feel a commitment to each other as teammates and that you will agree to always play as hard as you can in practice and games. Please encourage and support each other on and off the playing field.

S is for Self -  Some people only Honor the Game when their opponents do, but it is important to Honor the Game no matter what the other team or its fans do.  Be the kind of player that Honors the Game even when others aren't because we set our own internal standards. And we live up to them no matter what. We have so much respect for ourselves that we would never do anything to dishonor the game.