"Silent Saturday" is ONE DAY out of the schedule in which parents, coaches and spectators are encouraged not to talk during the game.  This may sound like a radical idea, but the program has met with huge success rates all over the country, in both large soccer clubs, such as New York and Massachusetts, and smaller clubs, like FRSA.

The feedback that we have received has been mostly positive.  Several coaches commented on how well their players communicated on the field, something that seldom gets noticed in all of the extra noise of typical game days.  Oftentimes, it is the kids themselves who express the most positive feedback.  Many said they could concentrate more; some did say that they liked not having their parents yell at them if they "messed up."  The kids were happy that their parents made signs and banners with their names on them, or wore t-shirts with their pictures.  They liked being able to make decisions (who takes the ball out, who does the goal kick, etc.).  Remember - kids go out on the playground every day and play soccer, baseball and basketball without help or cheers from the sidelines.


The Objectives of Silent Saturday

  • To give players a chance to trust their skills and instincts without sideline input, and without concern that their mistakes will be corrected from the sidelines in a game environment.
  •  To foster leadership skills among the individual players as they have the unique opportunity of giving (your) instruction on the field.
  • To foster a sense of true teamwork as the players must learn to rely upon one another and communicate with each other accordingly.
  • To remind coaches, parents, and players that PRACTICE is the time for instruction.  Games are the showcases for learning.
  • To remind everyone that youth soccer is primarily for the purpose of kids playing, learning and having fun.
  • To support our youth referees.



  • Silent Saturday Does Not apply to the Soccer Shots.  
  • U6 Coaches may verbally coach as normal, however Parents are encouraged to observe the rules of Silence. 
  • Quiet conversations with other parents on the sidelines are perfectly acceptable. If you feel you must get loud, we ask that you do so when the ball is out of play (like after a goal is scored or the ball gets kicked out of bounds)
  • In all other divisions, Coaches must and Parents are encouraged to observe the rules of Silence.
  • Coaches are permitted to call out for substitutions, and coaches may speak quietly to their players on the sidelines, giving them instructions to carry out onto the field, such as "Joey, I want you to switch positions with Tommy, and make sure Billy gets a chance to do a throw in, ok?"
  •  Parents are encouraged to make posters, signs, or banners showing their child's name and/or jersey number. Some parents or teams could even go so far as to make T-shirts showing their child's name, or jersey number, or even a photo.  Contact your local T-shirt or screen printing business for T-shirt details.
  •  Parents are also encouraged to bring pom poms, or cow bells, or drums, or other noise makers (No Whistles, please, they are reserved for Referees) to let the children hear their continued support. Again please try to keep the loud stuff reserved for times when the ball is out of play.
  • Players may make as much noise as they like(under the normal rules of soccer) both on the field and when cheering their teammates from the sidelines. Coaches my not, however, have sideline players yell instructions.


The Perks

FRSA Board members will be circulating with free drink coupons for those who are clearly acting in the spirit of the day. There may even be free meal coupons for the truly exceptional. 

Anyone heard coaching from the parents side of the field will be given a copy of the Parent Pledge that all parents have to agree to when they sign their children up.

Finally, the team that shows the most silent spirit on the day, as judged by our impartial panel of experts, will receive a pizza party for the whole team.